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Friday, February 4, 2011

My opinions about Student-teacher connection on Facebook

After read the 10 Ways Facebook Strengthens the Student - Teacher Connection, here are some of my thoughts of each way. 

1. I agree that sometimes some students are too shy to express their disappointment. However it is much easier to share what you think on Facebook. So Facebook between students and teachers is really helpful.

2. I don't think that letting teacher know too much about your life will be helpful at school. Students need private place to express their feeling. What if you complain something about how ugly your teacher's tie is and you find out that that teacher is watching your wall. How do you face him tomorrow?

3. Yeah, a lot of people added their family members as friends. This is a terrific way to connect family together on the internet.

4. Helping students after school on the Facebook may be a good idea for those students who are struggling in the school works, but for those teachers who worked hours at school, should they go back home, open up Facebook and answer student's questions? Who’s gonna pay for teachers after school?

5. Snow day- update is very important for students. Who want to get up early and go to school, then find out no one is there. But Facebook is not the only way to access the Snow day- update. Like me, I could find the information’s that I need on Twitter by following bhs-alart instead of adding my principle as a friend on Facebook.

6. Yes, Facebook gives students a reason for no excuses; it also gives students a reason for not adding their teachers as friends.

7. I don't know how other students think, but I don't want to connect my teachers on Facebook on snow day.

8. I think Facebook is a place where friends share their new events. Who will think about what you learned after you log on yesterday. I don't agree the "Using Facebook teaches you how to deal the the world"

9. If we use Facebook as a method to communicate with your professor and classmate, it will be a great tool to study the subjects. Students really should use Facebook more as a studying tool.

10. Facebook combined with modern technology does give us more adjustments for changes in our life. 

1 comment:

  1. Menghan,

    I am intrigued by the ability to have students and teachers connect on snow days. I don't really have strong feelings on the whole Facebook and teachers thing, however I think that a lot of conversations need to be had if this were going to become a common practice.

    I would be worried about students posting things that teachers would feel uncomfortable seeing. But, I think that having a place that allowed for more frequent communication between teachers and students would not be a bad thing.
